
Thursday, February 15, 2007


Mr. Bush: "I firmly believe: If we don't whip
them over there they'll follow us over here."
And if we do whip them there, they won't
come here again? How does that follow?

Well, he may believe that non sequitur, but I
don't think so. It wasn't one of the reasons
dreamed up for invading Iraq. When those
firmly believed false reasons were exposed,
he firmly believed this nonsense. A clear
majority of our public (some 70%) know
that it's hogwash, and want us out of Dodge.

Why would Iraqis (95% of the insurgency)
fully occupied in a life-or-death battle
between Sunnis and Shiites want to follow
us here? That struggle has gone on for
centuries, and will undoubtedly continue,
without us.

Who are "they," anyway? He could only be
referring to the 5% in Iraq led by al-Qaeda.
Regarding them, I wrote yesterday to the
Albany, OR Democrat-Herald: "Rich
Kellum asks (ltrs. 2/14/07) what part of
his tirade the left doesn't understand. I
suppose he's referring to the 70% of
Americans who disagree with him. And
the answer is: all of it, because it's all false.

The ones fighting us in Iraq are not
killing our people because of the way we
worship. Christians lived peacefully
with Muslims in Mohammad's day with
his blessing, and have done so ever
since. It's what we do, Rich, that's
upsetting to them. Osama has spelled
that out repeatedly, and he has no
interest in our religion, except to note
from time to time that we don't
follow it ourselves. He points out also
that he doesn't attack such Christian
countries as Sweden.

How and why we got into Iraq is
hardly irrelevant, as you claim. 95%
of the insurgents are Iraqis resisting
our brutal occupation that has
destroyed major cities and killed at
least 100,000 of their people. They
just want us out. NOW. They won't
follow us here, as you fear. They are
too busy there with their own turf

Al-Qaeda was attacking us here
before Iraq, and will continue after,
no matter what happens there. They
will just regroup elsewhere. They
aren't going away. They are stronger
because of Iraq, as our own
intelligence people have reported.
We are on a fool's errand there. Our
public understands that, as do our
troops over there. Former Marine
officer Ollie North just returned
from talking to them, and fellow
Marines told him the "surge" is a
mistake. It's only Bush/Cheney
and their parrots who don't get it.
Have a nice day.



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