
Wednesday, July 04, 2007


The conversation began with a letter I
wrote to the Albany (OR) Democrat-
Herald. That letter, and a response to
it, are reproduced along with my answer
to that response, in the two previous
blogs. I am only publishing excerpts
here, selecting letters that I answer in
the on-line comments in the paper.
For the full discussion, go to that site:

W. Nelson wrote on 6/25: "Dr. Goodwin, go
to the Quran and Hadiths the definitive works
of Islam and read them, rather than relying on
self-serving, peer-reviewed, academic nonsense.
The "people are trying to divide us and promote
hatred" line is a little worn out. What people
want is the truth, not academic spin. If you
read the Quran and Hadiths and then look at
the actions in the Middle East, Europe, Africa,
it starts to make a lot more sense. These people
whether active participants or passive
supporters are acting completely in accordance
with their faith. Regards."

My reply, also on 6/25: "Mr. Nelson: I always
appreciate your comments, as they are thought
provoking and well informed. Regarding the
hadiths in which you put so much stock, Resa
Aslan's No god but God tells us that over
700,000 of these "sayings of the Prophet"
popped up within a few years of his death.
Which, if any are real? That is a life-long
task for the experts, like Dr. Aslan, who reads
them in the original Arabic. The ones we
get in English are selected from the 700,000+
to support whatever point the selecter is
selling. Suicide bombers and murderers
of women and children are not acting in
accordance with mainstream Islam. (Is
that what you are arguing, that they are?)
Just ask any mainstream Muslim.
Nor does our use of cluster bombs on
civilians accord with mainstream Christianity.
The faith Mr. Bush is following is no more
the teachings of Jesus than is Osama bin
Laden true to the Muslim faith. Both
leaders are tragically misinformed about the
teachings of their respective religions.
That's why their actions are so terribly
destructive and deadly. "By their fruits
you shall know them," said both Jesus and
Muhammad. Regards."

Another response to the on-line site (above):
"To Dangerous Dave: Thanks for your comments.
In What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam,
an excellent book by John L. Esposito, who is a
professor of world religions at Georgetown Univ.
in D. C., we find: 'historically, while the early
expansion and conquests spread Islamic rule,
Muslims did not try to impose their religion on
others, or force them to convert. As "People of
the Book" Jews and Christians were regarded as
protected people (dhimmi) who were permitted
to retain and practice their religions, be led by
their own religious leaders, and be guided by
their own religious laws and customs. For this
protection, they paid a poll or head tax (jizya).'
(This was in lieu of the heavy contributions
required of Muslims (alms) for the relief of
widows and orphans and the disabled. It was
a fair and resonable share of the costs of civic
government. No one would expect them to
ride free without paying any taxes!) This has
been demonized by some critics of Islam as
"oppressive." The "protection" was from civic
violence and in case of war (both of which
happened frequently). As to what living
together "harmoniously" means, I refer you
to the new book Peace Be Upon You that I
have described elsewhere. See particularly
his chapter on present-day Dubai, where
wealthy Jews, Christians, and Arabs live
together in peace and make lots of money
in joint business partnerships.

The above brings us up to date so far!
More later, I' sure.



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