
Friday, October 05, 2007


Seymour Hersh is an investigative reporter par-
excellence. He broke the Mai Lai massacre story
as well as Abu Ghraib. He is famous as well for
his dependable contacts in the Pentagon and the
CIA. His new report in the Oct. 8 New Yorker is
frightening in the extreme. It tells of our rapidly
intensifying preparations for war with Iran. I hope
I can convey the sense of it enough to get you to
read the full story from him.

Here's Seymour: "Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon
spokesman said, 'The President has made it clear
that the United States government remains
committed to a diplomatic solution with respect to
Iran. The State Department is working diligently
along with the international community to address
our wide range of concerns.'"

This, of course, is the same way the government
talked leading up to war with Iraq, and is, as usual,
a pack of lies for the following reasons:

1) You can't seek "diplomatic solutions" when your
oft-repeated goal regarding Iran is regime change,
and the CIA is sponsoring terrorist groups
infiltrating into northern Iran from Kurdistan and
Afghanistan. It doesn't compute!

2)You can't seek diplomatic solutions if you refuse
to negotiate until and unless Iran agrees first to
give up any plans or activity to develop enriched
uranium. The U. S. knows that's not going to
happen, therefore there will be no negotiations. If
we really wanted negotiations, we'd drop that
silly demand!

3) This administration has had six and a half years
not to "seek," but to find diplomatic solutions, and
has steadfastly refused repeated efforts by Iran to
open meaningful dialogue. A letter to Mr. Bush from
the President of Iran was simply ignored. Not even
the courtesy of a "thank you."

So all the "diplomatic solution" talk is just that. It
is window dressing for domestic consumption. No
one else anywhere in the world believes a word of
it: it's just baloney!

Meanwhile, according to Hersh (SH), everyone at
the Pentagon also knows that the Navy is feverishly
planning, full speed ahead, for a major attack on
strategic goals inside Iran. It's up to the Navy this
time, because the Army and Marines are fully
occupied occupying next door. The Navy has at
least three aircraft carriers standing by in the P.
Gulf ready to unload on Iran, plus numerous other
missile carriers as well.

Over at the CIA, "They're moving everybody to
the Iran desk," SH quotes a recently retired CIA
official as saying. It's a repeat of the preparations
for Iraq in 2002. Hersh also quotes Zbigniew
Brzezinski, who said that he had heard discussions
of the White House bombing plans for Iran. Dr.
B. said that Iran would likely react to an American
attack "by intensifying the conflict in Iraq and also
Afghanistan, their neighbors, and that would draw
in Pakistan. We will be stuck in a regional war for
20 years." Maybe that is George Bush's way of
keeping us in Iraq indefinitely! That's what he

With the vote of many Democrats, including Hillary
Clinton, favoring a declaration that Iran's Rev.
Guard is a terrorist organization, two things were
accomplished by Sen. Lieberman and other
representatives of Israel: This insured that there
will be no negotiating with Iran, and secondly,
the pres. now has all the authorization he needs
to attack Iran. This is the green light he was
looking for: terrorists are to be attacked in force
wherever and whenever they may be found.
Fasten your seat belts, sports fans!



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