
Thursday, May 15, 2008


Yes, Hillary has become expert, after living in
Arkansas, at faking a hillbilly manner and
skill in relating to the humble folk, of which
she, of course, is hardly one. Plus the good
people of the mountain state loved Bill, and
still do. The vote for her was as much for
him as it was for her.

It's also the case that West Virginians tend to
be suspicious of "furiners." As one admitted,
"I don't want nothing to do with no Hussein."
I lived in W. Virginia for ten years, and was
seen as a stranger until I shed my New York
license plates. They are good people, the salt
of the earth. Sadly, the state's best days are
behind it. Unemployment is high, and the
young folks are leaving. The ageing population
lives in the past. Obama is about the future.
They didn't get it. Nor did he. He could have
spent more time there, but it wouldn't have
changed the basic mind-set. Anyway, it's all


Of course she's highly qualified, but a curse
comes with that diamond! His name is Bill.
Can you imagine trying to govern with that
talented pair retaining much of the leadership
and influence in the Democratic party? And
working tirelessly to add to it? It would be a
kind of co-presidency. Or perhaps a troika,
if you can imagine such a thing! Remember,
she's not giving up on seeking the top job.


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