
Friday, April 27, 2007


There has always been just one reason, and one
reason only why we we are in Iraq: it's oil (to
put it crudely). It's also why we are staying,
come hell (it already has) or high water. It's
why we are spending $9 bill. each month, and
losing 100 (give or take) American lives. There
is no other reason. They have all been stripped
away and left in tatters: we were given the
"Saddam has dangerous weapons" reason
because, said Wolfowitz, that was the one that
would sell.

Then it was "Iraqi freedom." For two years
that's all we heard from the President: "Iraqis
want their freedom. They should have their
freedom. Everyone wants and should have
freedom. Freedom is a wonderful thing", and
so on. We don't hear that anymore, because
Iraqis have the freedom to kill each other and
our G. I.s in unlimited numbers, and that is
exactly what they are doing, while we referee.

Now our reason is "terrorism." We have to
fight 'em there or they'll come after us here!
They already came after us here, remember?
That's the reason we went after them there.
It was the wrong "them," but no matter. We
chose to go after the "them" where the oil is.

If we were really serious about fighting
terrorism, we would have stayed in Afghanistan
in sufficient numbers to finish that job right.
But there was no oil there to get! Now that
one's in danger of coming unglued as well
and bringing down Musharraf next door in
Pakistan. That is a much more dangerous
situation for our national security than Iraq
ever was. Musharraf has been so weakened
by his cooperation with the U. S. that he is
being forced to welcome political enemies
into his coalition. It may well be the beginning
of the end for him. Pakistan has nukes. Who
will access those if Musharraf falls? Some of
the terrorists enjoying sactuary in western

Since Iraq is an expensive degression from the
main fight against terrorism, and actually a
help to the terrorists (according to numerous
national intelligence advisorys) in many ways,
the only possible reason we are still bleeding
there so massively is for the oil we expect to
get. Mr. Bush will be right if we succeed in
that quest, and Mr. Cheney is right that we
have not lost in that respect! History will
vindicate Bush (if he gets the oil), as he has
predicted. If you understand their real
agenda, you understand their stubborness
and seeming denial of facts on the ground.
Without that oil, gas here will soon be $5
a gal., as it is in Europe and Japan. But that
would throw us into a severe depression.
It's a no-limit poker game, and our reckless
"decider" has put us all in: double or nothing.

Have a nice day!



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