
Tuesday, December 18, 2007


You may not know it, but what you are seeing
is a robbery in progress. The Clinton syndicate
is in the process of robbing Barak of his good
name and reputation. They are in trouble, and
must act now.

The immense weight of an expertly organized
machine is finally baring its steel teeth to stop
the Obama surge. Hilary has long been the
agreed on heir to continue the cozy friendship
with Wall St. and the industrial-military
complex that husband Bill cemented so
successfully (and got filthy rich doing so.)

But the upstart Obama, unwilling to wait his
proper turn, is threatening to upset the best-
laid plans. Hil's ascendancy seemed locked in
a few months ago. Now it's starting to unravel.
Ergo, he must be destroyed politically. It's as
simple as that.

So in comes the wrecking crew. Obama is being
"swift-boated" in subtle but effective ways by
various selected friends and insiders of the
coalition. They are jockeying for positions in
the new administration (I surmise), and earning
jobs by using their knives. (Why else would
prominent and respected people turn to doing
hatchet jobs on an innocent and admirable man?
Why would they parrot nonsense first aired on
Fox News that as a child in Indonesia, Obama
attended a Muslim religious school (madrasa)?
CNN sent a reporter to the school he attended
there, and found it to be an ordinary (but well
run) public school, much like schools here.

But now a prominent Hilary backer, former
senator Bob Kerry, has repeated the lie about
the madrasa, while pretending to complement
O. on his Muslim roots. He doesn't have any
Muslim roots. His mother, who raised him with
the help of her parents, was a secular humanist.
His dad, who abandoned the family when he was
two, grew up in a Muslim culture in Kenya, but
rejected it, and became an atheist as a young man.
Obama was raised without religious instruction,
and through his own searching became an active
Christian as an adult.

Then there is Obama's teen-age drug use: hardly
news, and not fatal in itself, but a start. (You
don't fell a strong tree with one blow. You keep
cutting.) You speculate aloud whether there have
been reports of drug dealing? Just asking!
Then a story appears on the front page of The
Washington Post about his Muslim background
and supposed connections. All conjecture, and
neither news nor factual. Why is it even in that
prestigious paper at all? Somebody's friends?

You'll hear more of all this, I'm sure! These are
desperate people, and very, very powerful.


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