
Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Our press keeps parroting the nonsense
spouted by Iran's pres. Ahmadinejad as if
he is actually their national leader (he isn't),
and makes Iran's foreign policy (he doesn't).
The Supreme Leader in Iran is Ayatollah Ali
Khamenie, and he has never uttered threats
to Israel or anyone else, as far as I know.

The Council on Foreign Relations makes
foreign policy in Iran, and Ahmadinejad has
little influence on it, according to the chairman.
He exercises no control on the military. His
main area of responsibility is domestic policy,
where he is in trouble, and widely unpopular.
McBush are misleading us when they give any
relevance to the rantings of this toothless tiger!
Obama should be pointing this out.

The Iranian president is popular in the Muslim
world (MW) because of his much publicized
rants against Israel and the U. S. I googled
"Ahmadinejad's threats" and couldn't find any.
If you search his prayers & predictions, he
wants God "to wipe Israel off the map" and
asks God to do so, and predicts God will, in
fact, do it. But as far as I can discover, he
never actually says he will do the job. That's
probably because he doesn't have any power
to do such a thing, and knows it.

His denial of the Holocaust is, of course, an
indisputable and horrendous lie that must be
totally rejected, deplored and rebuked. But it is
a lie that is popular in the MW because of
Israel's continuing atrocities and terrorism vs.
the Palestinians. These criminal acts began
(and were started by) the Zionists in the 1940s.
(See Wikipedia on the early history of Israel,
Irgun, the Stern Gang, etc.) The West defended
anything done by the Zionists, using the Holo-
caust as an excuse and a free pass. That's what
makes some Muslims try to wish away the Holo-
caust, and makes Ahmadinejad popular for
denying it. Iran is trying to gain recognition
and influence in the MW which is 85% Sunni,
and has always looked askance at the Shia as
of questionable legitimacy as good Muslims.

We can, and should, stop Israel's brutal, illegal
occupation of Palestine anytime we want to by
stopping the $3 billion plus we are giving them
each year (over 100 billion in the past 50 yrs.)
They use that money to fund new illegal "settle-
ments" in the West Bank. That requires ethnic
cleansing of the natives that were already there.
(The term "settlements" implies that the land
was unoccupied, unused before, like the Ameri-
can west was supposed to be).

Over 8 million Palestinians have been forced
from their lands and their homes. We must join
the U. N. and the rest of the world in demanding
that Israel keep its many agreements to get out
of the small piece of Palestine that's left to these
Arab peoples.

There will be no Hamas and no Hizbollah when
that is done, as both exist as understandable and
legitimate resistance to Israeli crimes, and have
no other purpose or reason for being. The same
is true to a large extent for most of bin Laden's
support in the MW. It will vanish overnight. As
bin Laden has vowed: "The West will not know
peace until the Palestinians have peace." God
speed that day!


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