
Monday, September 15, 2008


What a pleasant surprise! A political talking doll!
What'll they think of next? She wows the popu-
lace with sage comments inserted by her pro-
grammers and handlers. She may even be wired
to a teleprompter.

There are some problems, though. She lacks de-
pendable memory. She keeps claiming, like a
stuck record, that she rejected the Bridge to No-
where from the git-g0. But according to the Assoc.
Press (9/12/08): "For nearly a week, major news
outlets documented that Palin supported the bridge
when running for governor in 2006, and she turned
against it only after it became an embarrassment."

She has also been forgetful about polar bears. She
wrote in the N. Y. Times that her opposition to
placing them on the endangered species list was
based on sound scientific advice by Alaska's scien-
tists who had thoroughly studied the situation and
found they were doing fine, and needed no help.
The main problem with that is it isn't so! Her
scientists say that they found in their studies the
same thing Canadian and other scientists found:
that the polar bear population is in dire straits due
to rapid melting of their habitat, the ice cap. In
fact, if the ice keeps melting, they are facing ex-
tinction. So the gov. either didn't know what she
was talking about, or misspoke.

Poor memory is a serious limitation when her griz-
zled running-mate has faulty memory as well.
During the primary he said being a mayor (like Rudy)
was not relevant experience when it comes to the
presidency. He said ditto for being governor (like
Mitt). Oops! He must have been joking (as he often
has to explain.) Or is he still joking?

Back to the freshman governor: can she be pro-
grammed adequately for that 3 a. m. phone call?
Enquiring minds want to know! She reminds me
a lot of Aimee Semple McPherson, the galvanizing
preacher back in the thirties. She used to wow the
crowds like Ms. Palin does. Sarah also has the same
religious views as Aimee, as well as similar good
looks and charisma. Aimee made a lot of money
and a lot of converts and founded the Foursquare
Gosped churches, before she ran off with a young
admirer. Sarah has also come far in a short time,
and may yet go much further. The masses are al-
ways hungry for distraction and will pay well to
get it and keep it, when they find it in such an
attractive and talented package.


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