"The idea that religion and politics
don't mix was invented by the devil
to keep Christians from running our
own country." -- Rev. Jerry Falwell
Running the country, or ruining it?
Clearly the country was better off
following the devil's advice! Rev.
Falwell's religious right has been
"the decider" in the last two pres.
elections, proving Lincoln's adage:
"You can fool most of the people
most of the time."
What they gave us was a fake
Christian posing as a cowboy posing
as a patriot, who is none of the
above. Christians tell the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but
the truth! They don't go to war
unnecessarily, bomb civilians, or
torture prisoners and then lie
about what they are doing, and why.
Christians (and patriots) really
support the troops by removing
them from harm's way, instead of
continuing to squander their lives
in a senseless and useless effort
to referee a sectarian civil war.
The armed forces' own newspaper
polled the troops in Iraq a year
ago in Feb., and found that 72%
believed we were making no
progress, and should be out of
there within the year. If we are
truly supporting them, we will
listen to and heed their advice,
instead of lying about supporting
them and then lying repeatedly
about their rotation, equipment,
and after-care when they are home.
As for the "progress" we keep
hearing about, Iraq . . "is a
nation that is now devastated,
where two million people have
fled, another two million are
internal refugees, militias run
large parts of the country and
the government sanctions religious
repression, ethnic cleansing
and vigilante violence."
(Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek 4/2/07)
So much for the famous elections,
which merely aggravated the
sectarian divisions, and so much
for the "sovereign government"
which has accomplished exactly
nothing of any value. (Fareed
again, on the "benchmarks":)
"They included new election laws,
the scheduling of provincial
elections, laws on investment
and oil revenue sharing, the
disbanding of militias, the
reversal of de-Baathification
and the granting of amnesty...
none of them have taken place."
In fact, Baghdad has given up
on plans for de-Baathification.
The amnesty law also appears
dead in the water. Without
those last two, there can be
no reconciliation. Our boys
(and girls) are dying in vain.
Continuing to lie about all
this, and staying the (wrong)
course is wrecking our military,
bankrupting the nat'l treasury,
and destroying our middle class,
our children's future, and our
moral standing in the world. I
hope the Falwells and the
Limbaughs in the country are
satisfied; we shouldn't be!