ISLAM 101 (Cont'd)Toward the end of his masterful (and fascinating) exposition of Muslimteaching and history, Reza Aslan (RA)writes: "The tragic events of 9/11/2001may have fueled the clash-of-mono-theisms mentality among those Muslims,Christians, and Jews who seem so oftento mistake religion for faith and scrip-ture for God." Religion, you'll recallfrom previous discussion, is the systemby which a faith-community sharesits insights through ritual and stories.It is all too human, as we have seen instudying its histories. Faith is theindividuals own experience of theineffable, the infinite, the mysteriumtremendum.Sacred history is more about faith thanit is about religion. RA again: "Rather,sacred history is like a hallowed treewhose roots dig deep into primordialtime and whose branches weave in andout of genuine history with little concernfor the boundaries of space and time.Indeed, it is precisely at those momentswhen sacred and genuine history collidethat religions are born. The clash ofmonotheisms occurs when faith, whichis mysterious and ineffable and whicheschews all categorizations, becomesentangled in the gnarled branches of religion.""But it (9/11) also initiated (RA goes on)a vibrant discourse among Muslimsabout the meaning and message of Islamin the 21st century. What has occurredsince that fateful day amounts to nothingshort of another Muslim civil war -- fitnah-- which, like the contest to define Islamafter the Prophet's death, is tearing theMuslim community into opposing factions."RA's book not only examines original Islamas found in the Quran, he maintains that areformation is now going on throughout theMuslim world (MW) to recover that earlyteaching, which was pluralistic, tolerant,and without racial, religious, or gender bias.Women were honored, and accorded equaltreatment in Muhammad's program at Medina,as were Jews and Christians living there inpeace.According to RA: "The Quran proposes the unprecedented notion that all revealedscriptures are derived from a single concealedbook in heaven called the Umm al-kitab, or'Mother of Books'." Here are the words ofthe Quran: "We believe in God and in thatwhich has been revealed to us, which is thatwhich was revealed to Abraham and Ismailand Jacob and the tribes (of Israel), as wellas that which the Lord revealed to Moses andto Jesus and to all the other prophets. Wemake no distinction between any of them;we submit ourselves to God."How did so many factions within Islambecome intolerant, violent, and even brutal?Well, how did Christians in the Middle Ageswind up burning nice people like Joan of Arcand thousands of others like her while theywere still alive? Obviously, they got way offthe track, to put it mildly! So did the followersof Muhammad. Terrorism, torture, and masskillings are no more a part of true Islam thanthe Inquisition was true Christianity.More on this
AMAZING!"The amazing thing is that we are beingtaken over basically by a cult, eight ornine neoconservatives." -- Seymour Hersh (at start of Iraq war)"Every day, George W. Bush asks youngAmericans to die in defense of an Iraqthat has ceased to exist (if it ever did) inthe hearts and minds of Iraqis. WhatIraqis believe in are sectarian or tribalIraqs -- a Shi'ite Iraq, or a Sunni Iraq, anantonymous Kurdish Iraq state, an Iraqwhere Grand Ayatollah Sistani or Moqtadaal-Sadr or some other chieftain holds sway.These are the Iraqs for which Iraqis arewilling to die. Whatever their merits andshortcomings, they are at least rooted inreality. These Iraqs have adherents andterritory. The Iraq for which Bush compelsAmericans to fight has neither." -- Harold Meyerson in Wash. Post 5/30/07THAT'S AMAZING!Meanwhile, in the "why do they hate us?"department: "We have destroyed the mostviable and the most modern Arab countryin the Middle East. We destroyed the Iraqistate, loathsome as its leadership was. Nowwe are also destroying the country -- 24million people, two million of whom havebeen driven out of their homes, and abouthalf a million of whom are no longer livingtoday because of what happened. . . Andthen on top of it, there is the Islamophobicrhetoric that Bush has fostered, and theirresponsible plunge of the mass mediaand the entertainment industry into terrorsensationalism with a strong racist,religious tone to it, resulting in a feelingof real resentment." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski in The AmericanProspect (TAP) June, 2007"Iraq's three major ethnic and sectariangroups have failed to reach compromiseson important issues, not because they arenow unwilling but because they are unableto do so. Shia, Kurdish, and Sunni politicianscannot reconcile positions that are funda-mentally irreconcilable, and no measureof U. S. exhortation or coercion will changethat reality." -- Flynt Leverett, TAP, June, '07And why are the positions irreconcilable?The Kurds are not Arabs, do not speakArabic, and have never considered them-selves part of Iraq. Nor do they want tobe. They want their own nation, and willcooperate with anyone (Shia or Sunni) thatwill help them get there. They are friendlywith the U. S. and Israel, and will let uspark troops there, if we want to get themout of the killing zone. We are too dumb,so far, to do that.Iraq's Arab Sunnis (the Kurds are alsoSunnis, but largely secular ones) despisethe Shia, over whom they have longruled, and will die (are dying) rather thanbe ruled by them. Fundamentalist Sunnisregard the Shia as apostates, and Muslimlaw (Shariah) requires that apostates beput to death. So a lot of them are busyat that job now. That, of course, requiresretribution from the Shia, who don'tknow a lot about democracy, but dounderstand that the majority rules. Theyare not inclined to show a lot of charityto the Sunnis that keep blowing up theirmosques and market places, killing, asthey do, thousands of women, children,and elderly.Our congress doesn't get it at all, andkeeps believing the adminstration'sassurances that the weak, thoroughlycorrupt Shia-run government in Iraqwill, any day now, do what it has nointention of, let alone lack of ability todo, and that is to kiss and make up withtheir Sunni bretheren. It's not happening!Not, at least, until hell freezes over.Biden and Brzezinsky, and Peter Galbraithare probably right in advocating a tri-partite split of Iraq along ethnic andsectarian lines. Sad but true.More a half million
ISLAM ONE-O-ONEIn a previous entry I introduced Reza Aslan, author of the monumental book: No god butGod. Of this book, Steven Cook of theCouncil of Foreign Relations says: "Afascinating account of Islam's evolution.Aslan's book should be required readingfor all analysts and policymakers interestedin the Muslim world. It's a terrific read ---no easy feat for such a difficult subject."Further praise: " Wise and passionate . . .an incisive, scholarly primer in Muslimhistory and an engaging personal exploration."---The New York Times Book ReviewIn spite of all the hulabaloo to the contrary,as Reza Aslan (RA) points out, there is notpresently a "clash of civilizations" going onbetween the Muslim world (MW) and theWest. Osama bin Laden, and some of ourown neo cons (Dick Cheney among them)are trying to promote such a clash. Andboth 9/11 and our invasion of Iraq wereplanned, each in their own way, to furtherthat goal. But the vast majority in the MW,as RA points out, want only peace, and tobe left alone. That's as their religionteaches.Young people, all over the world arecommunicating on the internet, and areenthralled by Western culture, especiallymovies, music, and dress. Global economicsare turning the planet into one big commonmarket. No clash there!While the clash of civilizations is moreimagined than real, the real shooting andkilling over land and oil goes on, and iscomplicated by what RA refers to as a"clash of monotheisms." Europe's fastestgrowing religion (by far) is Islam. This isdue to several factors: 1) Christianity is deador dying in most of Europe (less than 5%church attendance). 2)Europe's Jews aregone (for the most part), due to the Holocaust and migration to Israel. 3) Muslim immigration and high birthrate (3 to 4 times that of native Europeans.)And misunderstanding of and between themonotheisms is rampant. The Pope hasreferred to Islam as a religion of the sword,forgetting, perhaps the Crusades, theInquisition, the bloody conquest and forcedconversion of Latin America's Indians,European colonial history in sub-SaharaAfrica, and on and on! We ascribe Araband Ottoman conquests to Islam, but don'tidentify European colonialism with Christi-anity. But the Muslims do! And they havelong memories.When prominent churchmen like FranklinGraham and Jerry Falwell refer to Islam as"an evil and wicked religion" they are guiltyof the same error the Pope made: they aremistaking the unquestionably evil behaviourof violent extremists like Osama and hiscutthroats with the authentic religion ofMuhammed.RA's great contribution to understandingis to plainly show and explain the originalteachings of the Prophet in their historicintent and context, and to explain thebattle going on now within Islam to restorethat original vision: "Once a reasonable interpretation of the rise of Islam in sixthand seventh century Arabia has beenformed, it is possible to trace howMuhammads's revolutionary message ofmoral accountability and social egalitarianismwas gradually reinterpreted by his successorsinto competing ideologies of rigid legalismand uncompromising orthodoxy, whichfractured the Muslim community (the Ummah)and widened the gap between mainstream, orSunni, Islam and its two major branches,Shi'ism and Sufism."RA goes on to point out: "Religion, it mustbe understood, is not faith. Religion is thestory of faith. It is an institutionalizedsystem of symbols and metaphors (readrituals and myths) that provides a commonlanguage with which a community of faithcan share with each other their numinousencounter with the Divine Presence."(To be continued)
MEMORIAL DAY MUSINGSWe can love our country and still grieve forthe lives wasted through stupidity andignorance. Craig Crawford (writing in TheHuffington Post): "An unpopular presidenthas been able to secure unfettered financingto maintain an unpopular war with no endin sight -- and all this despite nothing butbad news from the battlefield. Even AbeLincoln had to show tangible success --namely, the burning of Atlanta in 1864 --to sidetrack mounting opposition to theCivil War and avoid what might have beenan electral disaster for himself and hisparty that year. Until Republicans on Capitol Hill startcasting votes that sync with their publicand private complaints about the president'swar policy, Bush will continue to get his way. Even in the best-case scenarios for Democrats going forward, they could still fall short ofthe veto-proof majority they will need to takecontrol of this war. The more likelypossibility is that only the 2008 election canchange things. And by then, Bush will havekept his war going all the way to his last dayin office." Oh happy day!Paul Krugman (in The New York Times):"Future historians will shake their headsover how easily America was misled intowar. The warning signs, the indicationsthat we had a rogue administrationdetermined to use 9/11 as an excuse forwar, were there, for those willing to seethem, right from the beginning -- evenbefore Mr. Bush began explicitly pushingfor war with Iraq.In fact, the very first time Mr. Bush declared a war on terror that 'will not enduntil every terrorist group of global reachhas been found, stopped and defeated,'people should have realized that he wasgoing to use the terrorist attack to justifyanything and everything. When he usedhis first post-attack State of the Union todenounce an 'axis of evil' consisting ofthree countries that had nothing to doeither with 9/11 or with each other,alarm bells should have gone off.But the nation, brought together in griefand anger over the attack, wanted totrust the man occupying the White House.And so it took a long time beforeAmericans were willing to admit tothemselves just how thoroughly theirtrust had been betrayed.It's a terrible story, yet it's also under-standable. I wasn't really surprised byRepublican election victories in 2002and 2004: nations almost always rallyaround their leaders in times of war, nomatter how bad the leaders and no matter how poorly conceived the war.The question was whether the publicwould ever catch on. Well, to immenserelief for those who spent years tryingto get the truth out, they did. Last Nov.Americans voted overwhelmingly tobring an end to Mr. Bush's war.Yet the war goes on.""Here's the way it ought to be," Krugmancontinues: "When Rudy Giuliani saysthat Iran, which had nothing to do with 9/11,is part of a 'movement' that 'has already displayed more aggressive tendencies bycoming here and killing us,' he should betreated as a lunatic." (The Iranians [Shia]hate and oppose al Qaeda [Sunni fanatics]as much as we do and will gladly join us infighting them and the Taliban anywherewe suggest.)Krugman again: "When Mitt Romney saysthat a coalition of 'Shia and Sunni andHezbollah and Hamas and the MuslimBrotherhood and al Qaeda' wants to 'bringdown the West,' he should be ridiculed forhis ignorance." (Someone should explainto him why Shia and Sunnis are killing eachother, and that al Qaeda is a renagade partof the latter, while Hezbollah is Shia, andthe Muslim Brotherhood is a non-violentpolitical movement.)Back to Krugman: "And when John McCainsays that Osama, who isn't in Iraq, will 'follow us home' if we leave, he should belaughed at." (As if they can't operate in morethan one place at a time! Osama can reachus from wherever he is. He doesn't needIraq as much as we do!)Regardless of our politics, on this MemorialDay we should certainly thank our troopswhole-heartedly for their sacrifices, andhonor them for their courage and fidelity.They make us all proud and
WHY NO 9/11 REPEAT: THE REAL REASONThere is one and only one way to avoid anendless war with the Muslim world: we mustquickly join hands with the Muslim majority,who want peace and an end to violence. Timeis of the essence here. Every day we destroymore lives and property in Iraq, and theIsraelis do the same in the West Bank (withour help), we are losing more "hearts and minds"in the Muslim world (MW).We urgently need to understand those heartsand minds, and their primary concerns, if wewant to work with them rather than againstthem. To help us understand, two brightyoung Muslim Americans (both born inIran) have written brilliantly about the currentferment and struggle going on in Islam. Bothauthors are fluent in the languages andcultures of the Middle East (M.E.) Both areexperts on Muslim history and doctrines,and able to write clearly and interestinglyabout these subjects, as well as what is goingon in Islam at the present time.The Shia Revival, by Vali Nasr, is as freshand contemporary as tomorrow's newspaper.It focuses on the history and status of thatsectarian struggle, as well as it's present andfuture implications particularly for the M. E.His insights are powerful and essential if weare to find a workable path forward. He isincreasingly recognized as a top expert, andwas a consultant for the Iraq Study Group.Also emerging as a popular authority onworld-wide Islam, and rightly so, is RezaAslan, a professor of world religions, andauthor of No god but God. Like The ShiaRevival, this is a "must read" for anyone whowants to know what's happening today, in theMW, and why. It is fascinating reading. It'ssubtitle: "The Origins, Evolution and Futureof Islam," give an idea of the scope andimportance of this truly monumental work.And it's easy reading! I have studied (andtaught) Islam for 40+ years, and this is thebest explanation of what's going on in it thatI have seen.In it, Aslan tells why 9/11 happened, and whyit hasn't happened again: "It is mainly as ameans to galvanize other Muslims to thejihadist cause that most of these attacks againstthe West should be understood. The attacksof September 11, 2001, for example, were by binLaden's own admission specifically designed togoad the United States into an exaggeratedretaliation against the Islamic world so as tomobilize Muslims to, in the words of Geo. Bush,"choose sides."Why haven't we had a second 9/11? Is it becauseour borders are secure? No, they are tighter nowthan they were then, but lots of people, drugs andbooty are still coming through. Are we inspectingall the checked baggage going on our planes? No,hardly any of it, in fact. Shipping containersentering our ports? We are inspecting less than5%!Is it because we are "fighting them there so we won'thave to fight them here?" No, the Iraqi insurgencyis just that: an Iraqi response to our invasion andoccupation of their country. Wouldn't we be doingthe same thing if we were invaded and occupied by,say, the Chinese? Most Iraqis believe that we arethere for oil and intend to stay. It's irrelevant whythey believe that. They wouldn't be fighting us ifthey didn't. Less than 10% of the forces fighting usthere are al Qaeda. Al Qaeda in Iraq is hated by most Iraqis and tolerated at all only because they arehelping against us. They will be gone quickly fromIraq when we are. There is no chance in the worldthey will have a secure base there in the future. They are Sunnis, remember? The Shia majoritywill be in control, and they hate al Qaeda morefiercely than we do. And with more reason.The real reason there hasn't been another 9/11 isbecause the first one accomplished its purpose.It got us going on a stupid, criminal, horriblydestructive rampage that is bleeding usunmercifully, and alienating more and more ofthe MW the longer it goes on. Bin Laden loves it!We are playing his tune, following his script, andlosing the battle against terrorism as long as wecontinue this fiasco.More on this debacle
FADED HEROESThe Bush enablers and defenders are dwindling.Two of the most influential, Tony Blair andJerry Falwell have recently exited public life.Both claimed to be evangelical Christians, buteagerly supported un-Christian activities.Falwell supported the apartheid government ofSouth Africa and attacked his fellow Christian,Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Tutu as a "phony." Rev. F. also supported segregationin his native Virginia, teaching that God hadordained that blacks should serve whites. Hewas theologically confused: he chose Mosesover Jesus as his authority. (Always a badchoice!) Moses, you will recall, also allowedslavery, polygamy, and easy divorce.Falwell fought the teaching of biologicalDarwinism and embraced social Darwinismwholeheartedly. He was unaware, evidently,that the latter is based on, and in fact assumesthe former. Bad theology leads to bad politics,and vice ver-sa. (Many American churchpeople are, like Rev. Falwell, unaware that the unregulated capitalism fashionable today wasopenly preached as social Darwinism by the"Robber Barons" of the late 19th and early20th century.) It masquerades now as"compassionate conservatism."As Leonard Pitts, the syndicated columnisthas written: "With Robertson and a few others,Jerry Falwell presided over the rise of aChristianity unrecognizable to many of uswho were raised in that faith. This Christianity'smoral purview was reduced to two issues:abortion and homosexuality. It had nothing tosay about feeding the hungry, housing thehomeless, helping the helpless."Turning now to Tony Blair, we have a moretruly tragic figure. This is a bright, idealistic,well educated, highly talented person who,for the best reasons in the world, fell in withevil companions. He reminds me of Jake, theex-Ranger in "Lonesome Dove" who hungwith horse thieves (literally). T. B., like hisfriend W. was gulled into the Iraq disasterby pro-Israel neocons like Cheney, Perle,Wolfowitz & company. It's tragic for Tony,and for Colin Powell (who was also gulled),and for George Tenent (one of the gullers),but even more tragic for 4 million Iraqisdisplaced from their homes, and 600,000plus killed, with several principal citiesdestroyed. And no end in sight. It's tragicfor American families losing 100 killedeach month, and 6 or 7 hundred badlywounded."The kaleidoscope has been shaken," TonyBlair told a labour party conference in Oct.,2001. "The pieces are in flux. Soon theywill settle again. Before they do, let us re-order the world." This was after Mr. Bushhad promised to answer the 9/11 attacksand "rid the world of evil." What hubris!What tragic and total silliness!David Bromwich writes in The HuffingtonPost: "The kaleidoscope of Blair was anecessary cover for the crusade of Bush.He imparted to the Iraq war a gloss ofphilanthropy, a generous fervor, animpression of a clean conscience; andhis eager eloquence sapped the determi-nation to resist the war among a goodmany doubters."A decent man who believes in world community put his beliefs on a shelf tosupport criminal actions in a war ofaggression opposed by large majoritiesthroughout the European community(including his own Britain), and bymost of the world community.Here is Bromwich again: "'Hand on heart,'Tony Blair asked in his farewell speech tobe pardoned for the sincerity of his mistakes(if they were mistakes). But, hand at theswitch, he never doubted the right of thegreat powers to decide by force the destinyof lesser powers. Merely going along withBush has always borne with it a prerequisiteof fever and panic. The binge thinking andslurred explanations and avoidance ofhonest reckoning and reality are too giddy for some tastes. Having Blair on board gave a promise of accountability; but the promisewas rhetorical and meant little to its maker."And nothing to anyone else. What a waste!
LIKELIEST STORY?How can we know for sure if Iraq is reallyabout oil? Well, how about if we knew thatthe Saudis are running out of the stuff?Connect the dots: Saudi Arabia is our mainoil source. Several world oil experts saySaudi production is in irreversible decline.The Saudis deny it, and keep their recordssecret. You can easily check the claims ofboth: just Google "Saudi oil fields."If the outside experts are right, and the Texas oil men in charge here have knownthis ever since one of the experts spoke atthe Veep's secret energy confab early in thisadministration (which is why it was secret),that could explain Mr. Bush's seeminginexplicable (and irrational) determinationto stay put in Iraq no matter what! Thatwould also explain the pres.'s statementthat a future president will decide when toleave Iraq, and his confident predictionthat history will prove him right. He mustknow something we don't. Otherwise we areled by a madman. And that's not likely. Theother story is likelier. Or I like to think so!Watch for it to begin to be leaked by theadministration, probably near election time!What do you think?